
Pinworms or enterobiasis are a parasitic worm measuring only 2 cm in length that takes up residence in the human intestines and feeds on human blood.

Pinworms are the most common lice in the world and can live in several countries with an average ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. In addition, they can carry a variety of infections, including helminthiasis and typhus.

Enterobius is a unisexual flatworm, but in appearance it resembles a bisexual animal, which makes it quite difficult to identify. Males are not sexually mature, and females usually go through a larval stage in the human body to lay eggs.

Pinworm eggs spread easily, remaining viable for several days on clothing, beds and other surfaces. They can also be spread through contact between people, such as shaking hands or shaking shoes. However, the most common method of spread is through eating food contaminated with worm feces. This can happen even in a very clean environment because worms can crawl out from under fingernails or from the anus area and poop on surfaces that are not cleaned.
