
About who you might meet on the way on public transport or the theater. Of course, it’s not me, but you yourself - but tomorrow the day will come when you will go to a place where strangers can meet you. An important - only at first glance naive - safety rule states that you should not panic in a moment of danger, you must remain calm and act consistently. Focus first on how you can help yourself cope with the situation. Naturally, you should do this only when help is not required from you.

1. Try not to escalate the situation. Because you can remember for the rest of your life what our first meeting was like. At work, for example, you can go to the director or head of the HR department in the office, knocking first. No one should know that you are determined and ready for any action. In the hallway, you can ask his employee about where to go during lunch break, pretending that you are simply interested in his opinion.

2. “Attack” an unexpected visitor in the elevator who happens to be opposite you on the roof of the institution. To do this, you just need to stand up and, as if you were stuck on a watch, try to turn the handle, repeating: “Nothing is working, we need to get out of here!” After that, take a couple of steps out of the elevator, “they say,” I need to run somewhere and calmly go to where you really planned to go. But since in such circumstances it is difficult to immediately get ready for such a “theatrical” action, it is better to choose a simpler and faster option as a method of confrontation, using elementary natural reflexes. - A well-known trick for women is to ask the suspect directly what he needs at the moment. This immediately makes us uncomfortable and we lose self-confidence. In addition, many people begin to get nervous and talk in order to distract your attention from themselves and have time to leave the room. However, if you realize that you cannot withstand the pressure of such a long-term moral attack, try to avoid eye contact and move away from the effect of "excessive attention." Then take a few steps towards the exit without turning your head to the left, maintaining eye contact with your opponent. At the same time, talk at the same time, perhaps with a colleague who is standing at the door, ignoring the object of your potential conflict. Thus, you reach the “security corridor” and “detect” those who will begin to attempt to attack you from the side. Therefore, in the future, you will immediately know who was on the other side of your confidence, which is attributed to inexplicable and incomprehensible actions towards a stranger. Usually by this moment the inner instinct of fight and self-defense awakens in many people. Even if a man takes poses typical of role-playing games, putting on the mask of a liar, he quickly throws it off, falling under your actions and his own imagination.