Immunoglobulin E

Immunoglobulin E is a special type of antibody (immunoglobulin) that is involved in the body's first line of defense against infections. This immunoglobulin is produced mainly by plasma cells and is responsible for anti-infective immunity.

When the body encounters an infection, the first thing it does is activate the immune system, which includes lymphocytes and macrophages. However, these cells cannot identify the specific antigenic substance that caused the infection. And this is where immunoglobulin E comes to the rescue, which are capable of quickly recognizing antigens, foreign substances and microbes. Thus, immunoglobulin E helps in developing the immune response and neutralizing pathogens.

In simple terms, E immunoglobules are responsible for the immune response after contact with a foreign substance, causing it to react. This can occur through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth, as well as on the skin. Them