Psychotherapy Closing

Psychotherapy for mental illness

Psychotherapy is one of the most effective methods of treating mental illness. Its goal is not only to relieve the patient of specific problems, but also to eliminate the causes underlying these problems. There are many types of psychotherapy, each of which has its own characteristics and is used depending on individual needs

Article "Psychotherapy for eliminating problems based on conflicts in the mind"

**Introduction:** The modern world provides a person with enormous opportunities for self-development, success and personal growth. However, along with these opportunities, there are many challenges that can lead to mental disorders and negative health consequences. One such problem is conflict consciousness, which can lead to various psychological problems including stress, depression, anxiety and other disorders. In such a situation, psychotherapy is needed, aimed at solving these problems and creating a harmonious and stable mental state. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

**Description of psychotherapy:** Psychotherapy is a process of psychological assistance aimed at solving psychological problems and achieving a stable state of mental health. Psychotherapy is provided by experienced psychologists or health professionals and often involves the patient in group therapy or individualized therapy. Typically, psychotherapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at preventing its relapse and preventing other diseases. One type of psychotherapy is closing psychotherapy. Closure psychotherapy (also known as emotion-focused therapy) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on eliminating individual disturbances without awareness of the underlying conflicts and distortions. It is assumed that this form of psychotherapy is aimed at overcoming the symptomatic manifestations of mental illness, without eliminating the roots underlying the conflict and the feelings associated with it. A key element of closure psychotherapy is minimizing cognitive distortions, which manifest themselves as unreasonable distortions of reality. It is also necessary to improve awareness of aggressive and negative emotions, understand the causal mechanisms of the development of the disease, their elimination and correction of certain behavioral patterns. As a result of the use of closing psychotherapy, significant improvements in physical and mental health, strengthening of emotional well-being and prevention of diseases can be achieved.

The psychotherapeutic approach of closing psychotherapy is a psychoanalytic method of working with clients. It arose after the development of a psychotherapeutic approach aimed at partially dissociating the client from his problems.

Closure therapy uses empathic feedback, which means that the therapist seeks to understand the client, but not to solve his problems. The goal of closure therapy is to help the client receive enough empathic feedback from the therapist that the distress can be mitigated over several sessions.

Most healing processes often require attention to conflicts that trigger pathological situations. If a person understands the underlying causes of the conflict, then they can be eliminated one by one, starting with the most noticeable ones. Closing therapy avoids this and looks for the source of the mental disorder, which is a deeply hidden conflict situation. It mainly focuses on mitigating the symptoms of the disorder and promoting a solution or increasing the body's resistance.

The goal of closure therapy is to access the client's feelings of discomfort or tension. The therapist strives to use every possible opportunity to disassociate the client from his symptoms. As symptoms improve