
Gelin is an impression material that is used in dentistry to obtain a fire-resistant ceramic model from impressions of teeth, jaw bones and other elements of the oral cavity. It consists of gypsum mixed with fire-resistant additives such as kaolin or china clay.

When using gelin, the dentist first prepares an impression of the patient's teeth, then fills it with plaster and adds fire-resistant additives. After this, the model is placed in a firing oven, where the hardening process takes place. The result is a fire-resistant ceramic model that can be used to make dentures or other dental products.

Gelin is one of the most popular materials for creating fireproof models in dentistry. It has a number of advantages over other materials such as wax and plastics. Firstly, gelin allows you to create accurate and reliable models that do not distort the shape and size of the teeth. Secondly, it is resistant to high temperatures and does not melt when fired, which makes it an ideal material for creating ceramic products.

However, like any other material, helin has its drawbacks. For example, it may be more expensive than other materials and require more complex procedures to prepare and use. In addition, gelin may be less convenient to use than other materials as it is more fragile and may break during processing.

Overall, gelin is an important material for dentistry that allows the creation of reliable and accurate refractory ceramic models. Its use allows dentists to create dentures and other dental products that can be used to treat and prevent various oral diseases.

Gelin is an impression material that is widely used in dentistry. It is used to take impressions of teeth, jawbones and other parts of the mouth and create a fire-resistant ceramic model. This is an important part of the denture manufacturing process that should not be underestimated in any dental office. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how gelin works and what benefits it provides.

What is gelin? Gelin –