Wash Your Nose, Wash Your Feet

Every parent has faced the difficulty of convincing their child to take a bath. Children often refuse to go swimming because they are simply bored. However, washing your body is an important daily hygiene practice that is necessary to maintain health and fight bacteria. So how can you get your child to wash himself without fighting and screaming?

One way is to turn the usual bathing procedure into an exciting game. To do this, you can try the “Wash Your Nose, Wash Your Feet” method. The essence of this method is to ask the child to wash each part of the body in turn, quickly naming individual parts of the body, especially those that are located far from each other, for example, the nose, and then the knees. This will add dynamism to the game and reduce bath time, forcing the child to wash himself faster.

In addition, for a change, you can sing some calm song or while the child is washing, let him try to compose a rhyme about each part of the body. For example, you can compose the following poem together: “We are never bored with a washcloth, I rub my hands with soap, I rub my feet with soap - I wash myself.”

This approach will help make the bathing process more interesting and fun for the child, as well as teach him how to properly wash his body. By playing “Wash Your Nose, Wash Your Feet,” your child will not only enjoy the process, but will also be more attentive to hygiene rules, which will help him stay healthy and feel comfortable in the future.