Weber organ

Weber's organ, also known as the uterus prostate, is a small glandular organ that is found in the male genital area. This organ is critical to men's health and well-being, and its absence can lead to various diseases and problems.

Weber's organ performs several functions in the body. One of them is the production of a secretion that mixes with the sperm and forms its texture. Normally, this secretion should be viscous and sticky in texture, which facilitates the process of transferring sperm through the canal. However, with diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the organ, the secretions may become too liquid, this will lead to the inability of sperm to coordinate and conception will not occur. In the second case, an excessively thick secretion creates obstacles to the exit of sperm from the canal, sometimes particles of the tissue of the organ itself can come out along with it; in this case we are talking about one of the signs of prostatitis. An insufficient amount of secretion or its complete absence will complicate the fertilization process, reducing the number of healthy and motile sperm. The organ, in turn, often suffers from problems associated with infections, bacteria or inflammation. Therefore, caring for it is an important component of healthcare and quality of life.