
Welt disease is a disease that affects small animals and leads to their poor growth and development. It can be caused by various factors such as genetic mutations, infections, lack of nutrition and others.

Symptoms of welt disease can appear early in an animal's life and may include small body size, short limbs, low body weight, and breathing and digestive problems.

Various methods are used to treat welt diseases, including drug therapy, surgery, and changes in animal husbandry. However, the most effective way to combat this disease is prevention, which includes proper animal care, a balanced diet and regular medical examinations.

It is important to note that rant disease can be dangerous to the health of animals and lead to their premature death. Therefore, if you notice any symptoms of this disease in your pet, you should contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

In general, welt disease is a serious problem for livestock production and requires a serious approach to its prevention and treatment.

Runt disease is a contagious disease that affects young animals and causes them to grow rapidly. This disease was identified in the late 19th century and became a problem for farmers in many countries. It manifests itself through decreased growth and development of muscle tissue in animals and can lead to loss of muscle mass and strength. The disease is contagious and is transmitted through food and water. Animals that have been infected with the disease can continue to spread it until they are treated. Treating wound disease requires special measures and attention to prevent its spread.