Westphalia Reflex

The Westphal reflex is a reflex that was discovered in 1874 by the German physician and physiologist Otto Westphal. This reflex is one of the main reflexes that controls muscle movements in our body.

The essence of the Westphal reflex is that when we press on the skin or muscle that is located on the surface of the body, our body reacts to this pressure. As a result, muscle contraction occurs, which can lead to movement of the body or its parts.

This reflex plays an important role in our daily life. For example, when we get up from a chair, we use this reflex to make our legs move. Also, this reflex can be used in medicine to diagnose various diseases.

Overall, the Westphalian reflex is an important mechanism in our body and plays a key role in our ability to move and maintain balance.