When And Why Does Baby Move?

When and why does the baby move?

The first movements of the fetus are an exciting event for every expectant mother. To better understand the baby's movement language, let's remember the main milestones of a child's development in the womb.

Already on the 21st day after conception, the first heartbeats appear in the embryo. By the end of the 8th week, the nervous system responsible for motor activity is formed. From the 10th week, the fetus reacts with movement to skin irritation, and by the 16th week - to sounds, especially the mother’s voice.

The mother can feel the first involuntary movements of the fetus from about 18-20 weeks. For primiparous women this occurs closer to the 20th week, for multiparous women - at the 18th week. The sensations are very different: from the splashing of a fish to intestinal peristalsis.

From 24 weeks, the child’s movements are streamlined and acquire a meaningful character. The baby actively communicates with his mother in his motor language, reacting to her emotional state.

Peak activity occurs between 24-32 weeks. Towards the end of pregnancy, the number of movements may decrease, but their strength remains the same. Closer to childbirth, those limbs that are located at the exit from the uterus move more actively.

Impaired motor activity is a reason to consult a doctor. As a rule, this is associated with fetal hypoxia. As it develops, the baby’s restless behavior is first noted, then a weakening and cessation of movements.

Dear expectant mothers, enjoy the baby’s first kicks and movements! These are unforgettable moments that can only be experienced during pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your kids!