Witzel Tendon Suture

The Witzel tendon suture is one of the most effective methods for treating fractures of the hand and fingers. This method was developed by French surgeon Pierre Henri Witzel in the early 20th century. It has become popular due to its high effectiveness and rapid recovery of patients.

The mechanism of the Witzel tendon suture is that it connects the torn ends of the tendon, restoring its integrity. This involves using a special tool called a catgut hook or a sharp wire that is inserted into the split and tightens the tendon. As a result, the damaged part of the tendon is fixed and becomes fully functional.

Advantages of the Witzel seam:

1. High efficiency. The Witzel tendon suture ensures rapid healing and restoration of functionality of the injured arm, ensuring its full suitability for everyday tasks. 2. Security. If the patient adheres to the surgeon’s recommendations and follows the regimen, he