X-ray vasocardiography

X-ray vasocardiography is a method for studying the cardiovascular system, combining the capabilities of X-ray and vasocardiographic methods.

The essence of the method is that an X-ray of the chest organs and a cardiogram are recorded at the same time. This allows you to obtain information about structural changes in the heart and blood vessels, as well as about the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

During X-ray vasocardiography, the patient is positioned between the X-ray source and the X-ray film or digital detector. At the same time, ECG electrodes are applied. Pictures are taken in different projections with ECG registration.

X-ray vasocardiography is widely used to diagnose various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It allows you to identify anatomical abnormalities, assess the contractile function of the myocardium, and determine the presence of congestion in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. The method is also used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

X-ray vasocardiography (RVCG) is a medical research method that combines radiography and cardiography. Using this research method, you can get an idea of ​​the functioning of the cardiovascular system and identify various pathologies.

RVKG is based on the technology of combining two research methods: radiography and ECG. During the examination, the patient is placed on special equipment, which allows one to obtain not only an image of the heart and blood vessels, but also provides the ability to measure pulse and heart rate. This makes it possible to assess the functioning of the cardiovascular system and identify problems in the early stages of development.

RBCG is widely used both for diagnosis and for monitoring the condition of patients with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases or in case of suspected presence of these diseases. In addition, RVKG can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment and