Xanthochromia Carotene

Xanthochrome carotene (Spanish Xantochroma carotínica) is a greenish-yellow pigment. Its area of ​​application is the pulp and paper industry. The distinguishing feature of this pigment is its durability, which makes it very valuable for the manufacture of adhesives that do not absorb into the wood and retain their original shape.

Xanthochramine carotene is a pigment that is obtained by recrystallizing a yellow-green pigment that is produced from the dye cellulose xanthate. After preparation and purification, the color of the resulting mixture is slightly different from the standard yellow-green dye, its wavelength is 607 nm. This dye has some unique properties that allow it to achieve certain properties in adhesives and wood composites.

The main area of ​​application of this pigment is the pulp and paper, finishing and rubber industries. The purpose of using this ink is to improve the quality of decorative cells in the relief printing technique or to maintain the softness of the paper during printing. Paint is widely used in the automotive industry to create additional effects on various vehicle components. Nowadays, xanthomaroperoxine fiber is widely used to perform the barrier function of certain aggressive chemical environments: sulfuric acid, alkaline and other solutions. It is used not only in everyday life, but also in the food industry, for example, as packaging materials. It is also considered an important technological component in the paint and varnish industry. Fibers bonded with xanthomaranic pigmented adhesive products are used as additives for fire retardant paint mixtures. Modern technologies make it possible to use this substance for the production of various composites, for example, wood and furniture compositions, plastics and rubber. The peroxocarbonyl contained in the substances gives the finished product strength and color fastness. The peculiarity of this xanthochreme coloring is that even with constant exposure to various external factors, such as high humidity or mechanical damage, the created paint retains its original color. Along with this, if it gets very wet, the paint may change its shade to a darker one.