
In sunny climates, the population is rarely exposed to ultraviolet radiation. However, in less sunny areas, there are people with xeroxerosis, a chronic eye disease that is associated with a decrease in the amount of melanin (pigment) in the cornea (outer surface). Lack of melanin leads to loss of shine, dryness and pain. This flaw is common

Xerophthalmia is a disease that affects the eyes and can lead to serious consequences. It occurs due to a lack of vitamin A in the body and can be caused by various reasons, including poor diet, lack of sunlight or lack of water in the body.

Symptoms of xerophthalmonia usually include dry, red eyes and eye pain. Deterioration of vision, especially at close range, may also occur. If the disease is not treated, serious problems can occur, such as erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye, which can lead to loss of vision.

Treatment for xerophthalgomia includes the use of special vitamin eye drops that contain vitamin A. In addition, it is recommended to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in this vitamin, such as carrots and bell peppers.

Prevention of xerophthalmic disease consists of proper nutrition, sufficient sunlight and regular intake of vitamins. It is especially important to monitor the nutrition of children, since their metabolic rate is higher than that of adults, and the need for vitamins may be higher