Xunsa - asphodel

Its leaves are the same as those of the Syrian leek, the stem is smooth and there are flowers at the top, and the roots are long and round, like acorns. She's caustic.

Hot, dry. Some say it is cold and wet, but they are moving away from the truth.

Actions and properties.
Asphodel and especially its root cleanses and resolves. If you burn it, it becomes warming, drying and dissolving, and its root even more so. Its strength is the same as the strength of a curly arum.

Asphodel and especially the ash of its root are useful against “fox” and “snake” diseases. If you smear it with ashes and sit in the sun, it helps. Tumors and acne.

Root. asphodels with wine grounds are applied to tumors of all glands and to ulcers; if you make a medicinal dressing with barley flour, it helps with the onset of hot tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
If you apply its root with wine grounds to contaminated malignant ulcers, it helps.

Tools with joints.
It is useful for muscle relaxation and sprains.

Organs of the head.
If squeezed asphodel juice, pure or with frankincense, honey, wine and myrrh, is dropped into the ear, it helps with pus in the ear, and if it is dropped in the ear opposite the painful tooth, it will help with pain.

Organs of the eye.
The squeezed juice of its root is beneficial for the eyes.

Breast organs.
If you drink asphodel in wine in an amount equal to the weight of one darachmi, it helps with pain in the sides and cough. Its root with wine grounds is good for breast tumors.

Nutritional organs.
Asphodel is useful for jaundice.

Eruption organs.
The fruit and flower of asphodel, when drunk in wine, drives urine and menstruation. Both cause relaxation, and its root with wine grounds is an excellent medicinal dressing for testicular tumors.

Asphodel is given to drink in the amount of three darachmi against the bite of reptiles. If you drink its fruit and color in wine, it gives great relief from scorpion and centipede stings, although it is laxative.