
“Iatrogenesis” is one of the common types of human diseases that develop as a result of the actions of medical workers and their failure to comply with the prescribed standards in treating the patient. Usually we are talking about erroneous treatment, which increases the number of deaths of patients in a hospital setting. Unfortunately, in such a situation there is always

Iatrogenesis - psychological problems associated with doctors.

When we hear the word “iatrogenic,” it doesn’t necessarily have to terrify us or evoke negative associations. Iatrogenic syndrome is not the same as mental trauma or traumatic stress. But usually it causes unpleasant physiological discomfort and even panic in a person. This term can be explained by the fact that doctors do not have the proper level of psychological training to work with patients. This is exactly what the article will discuss.

**Example:** a doctor recognizes a patient on the Internet who has frequently visited violent sites or forums. Returning to the clinic, the doctor begins to worry about the patient’s condition, increases and changes the dosage of medications, and turns to a psychologist to discuss and explain to him what is happening. The patient’s feeling of anxiety only increases when the doctor asks him what the reason is for being on such a site; if he is very worried, then ask the psychotherapist to figure it out - maybe your Internet entertainment coincides with someone else’s hobby. If the patient finds the question itself offensive or offensive to him, but still does not stop visiting such sites, then at least explain to him that the specialist is also nervous. This is the name of a mental disorder in a person if he is often exposed to violence in life or knows firsthand what kind of violence it is, and also, on the contrary, he himself is just thinking about violence.