Phenomena caused by wind

We have already said something about winds in the section on air changes, but now we want to give a unifying discussion about them in a different order. Let's start from the north.

About the northern winds.
The north wind gives strength and strength. It prevents external discharge, closes pores, strengthens digestion, binds the stomach, makes urine abundant and heals rotten, polluted air. When the north wind is preceded by the south and followed by the north, the south wind causes the juices to flow, and the north wind compresses them and presses them inward: sometimes this leads to the juices breaking out. Therefore, then the internal flow of juices from the head, chest diseases and all sorts of northern ailments become more frequent: nerve pain and because of them pain in the bladder and uterus, difficulty urinating, cough, pain in the ribs, in the side and in the chest, as well as a feeling of chills .

About the southern winds.
The south wind relaxes the force, opens the pores, raises the juices and moves them out, and also dulls the senses. It is one of the reasons for the worsening of ulcers, the return of diseases, weakens, causes itching in ulcers and gout, causes headaches, induces sleep and gives rise to putrefactive fevers, but does not make the throat rough.

About the eastern winds.
If the winds come at the end of the night or at the beginning of the day, then they come from air balanced by the sun, soft and low in moisture, and then they are drier and softer; if they come at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night, then the situation is the other way around. In general, easterly winds are better than westerlies.

About the western winds.
If the winds come at the end of the night and at the beginning of the day from air on which the sun has not acted, then they are thicker and denser; if they come at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night, then the situation is the other way around.