Tropical Ulcer, Naga Sore

Canker sore or also known as canker sore is a skin condition commonly found in humid tropical climates. It is characterized by the presence of an open ulcer, which is usually large and covered with scabs. An ulcer can appear on any part of the skin, but most often it develops on the legs. When the ulcer does not have time to heal, concomitant infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms occur. A patient with a tropical ulcer is prescribed antibacterial drugs and undergoes early surgical treatment of the ulcer. Surgery includes the use of special wound dressings and revision of drug prescriptions. In more severe

**Tropical ulcer and Naga sore** are skin diseases that are common in areas with humid and hot climates.

Description In Tropical type ulcers, large and open sores with severe suppuration appear on open wounds or sores and are covered with scaly parts. The disease is mainly characterized by the opening of large sores on the feet, legs, legs or on the surface of the toes. Damage to deep tissues may also occur due to the ingress of bacteria, which in turn can lead to damage to muscles and bones