Disease Leading

The leading disease can be a health disorder caused by almost any disease. This may be associated with an exacerbation or the development of a chronic disease and is, along with the symptoms that appear, the main reason for the deterioration of a person’s general condition. In some cases this is an acute illness. And more often - chronic. It can be very different in nature - autoimmune, tumor, allergic, infectious or toxic-dependent. But in any case, a malfunction in the functioning of some organ or system of the body leads to pathological changes and the onset of the development of health problems.

The danger of the leading disease lies in the fact that it weakens the functions of the impaired organ or leads to its dysfunction. And a person may require urgent medical care and medical correction of a serious condition. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly contact a specialist if you begin to feel unwell. After all, in the early stages it is easier to defeat any disease. It is important to follow doctors’ recommendations, do not self-medicate, carefully study your medical history, undergo a screening