The sterno-costal joint

The sternocostal joint is a connection between the sternum and rib cage, providing strong fixation of the ribs in their anatomical position. The upper end of the sternum is divided into two depressions - fossae, or beds. Here are the surface of the connection of the sternum with the ribs and the tubercle. The joint formed by the ribs with the vertebrae of the spine is called the costovertebral joint.

Due to the high mobility of the cartilages and ligaments of the first, second and fifth-seventh ribs, they are often called “false thoracic vertebrae.”

The sternocostal joints provide not only the possibility of displacement of the ribs relative to each other during deep breathing, coughing, but also during laughter, screaming, crying - this is normal. If this becomes a symptom of any disease, then this phenomenon is called rib hypermobilism.

There is a special type of rib hypermobilism - Tietze syndrome, which combines symptoms of local pain in the costal angles and rapid fatigue of the muscles of the upper back. It develops in young people as a result of overload of the musculoskeletal system or occurs as a result of complications of pneumonia, diseases of the thyroid gland. Often worsens in stressful situations. It is caused by destructive changes in cartilage and bone tissue against the background of thinning of the muscular corset of the back or local anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae. Untreated Tietz syndrome can lead to the development of myofascial syndrome - this is a pathological process caused by overstretching or injury to the connective tissue structures surrounding the muscle. In this case, there is a tendency to a reflex contraction of overstrained muscles in an attempt to restrain the excessive mobility of the surfaces of the segments of the spinal column that limit them. Myofascial syndrome is complicated by headaches in the neck and head, weakness of the muscles of the shoulder girdle or poor posture. The motor activity of the affected part decreases, motor functions weaken, ability to work decreases, pain becomes constant. Overload of the spinal column in this case aggravates the course of myofascial syndrome. All this significantly reduces human performance.

Orthopedic products are used as prophylaxis