Artery Labyrinthine

The labyrinthine artery is one of the blood vessels that provides blood supply to the brain and inner ear. It is a branch of the internal carotid artery and passes through the labyrinth located inside the skull. This vascular bundle supplies blood to the organs of hearing, balance and balance, as well as the nerve cells that are responsible for the functioning of these organs.

The labyrinthine artery is located inside the bone canal, which

The labyrinthine artery is the vessel that supplies blood to the inner ear and auditory ossicles. In addition, it supplies blood to the tissues that surround the inner ear - the cells of the trigeminal and vestibular nerves, as well as the organ of balance. The artery in question is a branch of the external carotid artery, which in turn is a branch of the subclavian artery. It carries blood to the organs and tissues located in the head area.