Muscle, Semispinalis Capitis (M. Semispinalis Capitis, Pna, Bna)

The neck muscles are one of the most mobile muscles in the human body, as they rotate the head, move the bones of the skull, and balance the entire body weight at the same time. Among the many muscles of the neck, two muscles of the semispinalis capitis attract special attention: the major (semispinalius capitis major, which in anatomy is often called the tendon head) and the minor (m. semiplenus capites minor). And here lies the main feature of these muscles - their name. So why aren’t the usual concepts of “bipair capitis muscle” or “large capitis muscle” used? Translated from Latin, they mean “above and behind.” But since we are talking about the head, which traditionally refers to the place where the brain and the spinal cord are located, the word “head” is inappropriate here. The Latin word "capitium" means head. Accordingly, it was translated as “head mouse”