Hypertrichosis Congenital Local

Hypertrichosis is called hair loss or insufficient hair formation. The manifestation of hypertrichosis begins in utero, but an acquired form is also possible. The nature of skin lesions in hypertrichosis can be different - from diffuse hair loss to single lesions without diffuseness.

You can also distinguish separately local congenital hypertrichosis, which is characterized by a severe course, affecting the fingers and toes. A type of disease called “scleroderma of childhood nails” is characterized by damage to the nail plates in the form of short, dull, depressed, or rough, thickened nails with transverse striations in a child over 2 years of age. Rarely (but mostly in preschool boys) hyperparathyroidism occurs as a hereditary factor, which can manifest itself as symptoms of cutaneous hypertrichosis.

***Causes of occurrence in children and adults*** Hypertrichosis can occur for various reasons, both hereditary and due to exposure to external factors, among which it is worth highlighting: - Traumatic damage to epidermal cells during pregnancy; - Hormonal disorders (including taking certain medications); - Genetic abnormalities; - Infectious diseases. The main causes of hypertrichosis are hormonal disorders provoked by one or another pathology of the thyroid gland, as well as heredity.

**_Classification_** Hypertrichosis is conventionally divided into several types according to localization, composition and degree of complexity of manifestation: * Primary hypertrichosis - depilation is observed only on the head, face (for example, eyebrows, eyelashes) and in the armpit area; * Hypertricosis of the second degree - hair loss on the extremities; * Hypotrichosis is a disorder with the opposite symptom (increased hair growth). In addition, hypoplastic, follicular and histiocytic types are distinguished. They differ in the duration of the course, the condition of the hair follicles, the localization of depilatory areas and the manifestations of dermatological problems. But all of them have a rather severe form of development that can lead to serious pathologies of the whole organism. The impact of this problem on children's bodies is especially dangerous. To determine the exact cause of the disease, it is recommended to consult your doctor. In patients with hyper