Conclusions on the state of body parts, which are like branches of the brain

As for the conclusions, in particular about the eyes, the condition of their vessels, the feeling of heaviness or lightness in them, the color - yellow, pale, lead or red - and their condition to the touch are indicative. All these signs are very consistent with what is happening in the brain itself. Sometimes a conclusion can also be drawn from tears and pus flowing from the eyes, from such random signs as squinting, fixed gaze, various types of blinking, sunken or bulging eyes, their large or small size, suffering and pain. Dryness of the eye sometimes indicates dryness of the brain, and the discharge of pus and tears, if not from disease of the eye itself,  indicates the presence of moisture in the front part of the brain. Enlarged blood vessels in the eye indicate heat in the brain, and lacrimation without any obvious reason in acute diseases indicates inflammation of the brain and tumors in it, especially if tears flow from one eye. If the pupil begins to become covered with pus in the form of a web, which then accumulates in one place, then it is closer to the time of death.

An eye that remains open and does not blink, as happens with faranitus and sometimes with lithargus, or closes and opens with difficulty, as happens in most cases with lithargus, but sometimes happens with faranitus when the forces are dissipated, indicates great damage in the brain. Frequent flashing indicates inflammation, heat and insanity. If the eyes relentlessly look at one place and, moreover, are inflamed and motionless, this indicates obsession and melancholy. Sometimes, based on eye movements, conclusions are made about brain experiences such as anger, sadness, fear, love. Protruding eyes indicate tumors or congestion of the blood vessels of the brain, and reduction and hollowing of the eyes indicate a significant dissolution of the brain substance, as happens with insomnia, kutruba and passionate love, although the shape of the eyes can be different, which we will talk about in detail in its place. Sometimes the same thing indicates erysipelas of the brain and the presence of lichen in it.

As for conclusions based on the state of the tongue, the tongue, for example, often indicates the state of the brain by its coloring. Thus, the whiteness of the tongue indicates lithargus; if the tongue is yellow at first and then turns black, this is a sign of faranitus. The strong yellowness of the tongue and the green color of the vessels located under the tongue indicate that a person has epilepsy. Conclusions from the color of the tongue are not the same as conclusions from the eyes, for the color of the eyes is strongly connected with the brain, while the color of the tongue is often used to judge the condition of the stomach. However, if it is known that there is damage in the brain, then it can be judged by the language.

Moving on to conclusions about the face, let's say that with regard to complexion you already know what the indications of its color are on nature, as for fullness and thinness, then fullness and redness of the face indicate the predominance of blood, and thinness and yellowness indicate the predominance of bile; thinness and pallor indicate the predominance of black bile dryness, and puffiness indicates the predominance of blood and aqueous humor. |All this is indicative if such qualities are incidental and not basic, and if it is also known that nowhere in the body, except in the brain region, is there any illness that changes appearance.

As for the conclusions about the condition of the neck, if the neck is strong and thick, this indicates the significance of the brain strength and the abundance of its substance; a short, thin neck indicates the opposite. If the neck is predisposed to mumps and tumors, then the reason for this is not the weakness of the neck itself ; the absence of a predisposition is also not determined by its strength. No, the reason for this is the weakness of the digestive power located in the brain due to some kind of disorder of nature, which we will talk about later, and the power of the expelling power. After all, the neck area receives what the brain expels into its soft and glandular meat. These are the same signs gleaned from the condition of the uvula, tonsils and teeth.

With regard to conclusions regarding the state of internal organs rich in nerves, they are based on the laws of participation. It is necessary that these organs should cooperate with the brain and spinal cord, so that when damage exists in these organs for a long time, they bring on the brain the kind of disease that they themselves suffer, or sometimes it arises in them due to the brain. When the nerves are strong and thick, and the walls of the passages that surround them are strong, this indicates the strength of the brain, and the opposite indicates the opposite.