Law of Return to Race

The Law of Return to Race is a theory that was proposed in the early 20th century by Charles Deterding and Leon J. Olscheider. According to this theory, people from different races eventually begin to return to their original racial identity, that is, they become white again when they mix with other races. This idea is known as "Galton's Law" and is one example of racism.

In my article I want to consider the main provisions of this law, its origin and consequences.

The law of return to races was formulated on the basis of several theories of ethnology and anthropology. In particular, it is based on the idea that races are in certain stages of their development and then return to their roots and origin. There are several interpretations of this theory: - Some researchers believe that the law of return is a simplified reflection of many complex phenomena associated with the development and interaction of races. It can also be seen as a representation of the origins of individual peoples or nations.