Zatek purulent

What is purulent edema?

A purulent leak (abscess) is a deep cavity (ulcer) filled with pus and surrounded on all sides by dense inflammatory tissue, often fused to the bone. Penetration of inflammation through the purulent cover deep into the bone and saturation with connective tissue occurs with long-term inflammation.

Purulent sequesters are located in the body of the bone in the area of ​​osteomyelitis and adjacent soft tissues. Abscesses are usually located under the periosteum

A leak of pus is a process that occurs in the human body during infection. This is a condition when the pus contained in the tissues cannot be released through the vessels and lymphatic system. This happens because the inflammation is too close to the surface of the skin or muscle for the pus to escape. *The leakage of pus can be caused by various reasons, such as injuries, ruptures, bruises.* The body has special antibacterial defense systems against infection, but when pus leaks, these systems can be destroyed, since the pus comes into contact with them more than with the cells of the body . As a result, bacteria begin to penetrate the body and multiply.

The occurrence of leakage is associated with three main points: the source of inflammation (where exactly the infectious agent is located), why this place is not drained (why the pus cannot move) and why the source of infection is located above the place where this pus can come out.

If the source of inflammation is below the level of pus release, then swelling is practically impossible, even if another situation is complicated. But if the source lies above the exit level or is located close to it, then almost any leak is possible. Whether numbness occurs for an external or internal reason depends on the structure of the human body parts