The spell of the century

There are three types: the first is that the upper eyelid wrinkles and does not cover the white of the eye. This type occurs either from birth or occurs as a result of damage to the eyelid; This type of eye is called a hare's eye. The second type is average, and it consists in the fact that the eyelid does not cover part of the white, and this is called contraction of the eyelid, the reason for this type is the same as that of the first, but weaker. The third type is that the upper eyelid does not meet the lower eyelid. This occurs either from a tumor of the gland, or from the formation of wild meat on an ulcer that has already appeared before or is just beginning, or from contraction of the eyelid due to a healed wound on it, which does not allow the upper eyelid to close with the lower. Sometimes all this occurs from spasms of the muscle that closes the eyelid.

Treatment. With the type that occurs from the shortness of the eyelid, treatment consists of cutting the skin of the eyelid, which is not sutured, so that the eyelid lengthens and heals. This is the treatment of the first and second types, depending on the degree of great or small. The treatment for the type that arises from glandular formations and wild meat is to remove them with iron. The type that is formed from traces of a healed ulcer that shrinks the eyelid is treated with iron: the eyelid is cut and healed. If it occurs as a result of a spasm, treat the spasm as you already know.