Entropion of the Eyelid Scar

Cicatricial entropion of the eyelid (lat. ectropium cicatricale) is a pathological condition of the eyelid in which it turns outward due to cicatricial deformation of the skin.


  1. Cicatricial changes in the skin of the eyelid after burns, injuries, operations, inflammations (trachoma, ulcers, herpes, etc.).

  2. Facial nerve paralysis.

  3. Spasm of the muscles of the eyelid.

Clinical manifestations:

  1. Turning the eyelid outward, exposing the conjunctiva.

  2. Watery, dry and irritated eyes.

  3. Visual impairment.


  1. Surgical - eyelid surgery to restore the anatomical shape and position.

  2. Medication - eye drops, ointments to soften scars.

  3. Physiotherapeutic - ultrasound, laser, massage to improve tissue trophism.

The prognosis depends on the extent of the lesion. With timely treatment, complete restoration of the anatomical structure and function of the eyelid is possible.