Healing by Granulation

Granulation healing is one of the methods of surgical treatment of severe wounds. It lies in the fact that wounds that are difficult to respond to classical treatment are closed with granulation tissue.

Granuloma is a tissue formed from small cells in response to damage to the skin. It promotes accelerated wound recovery and reduces healing time. Therefore, when treating severe wounds, where classical methods do not produce results, doctors resort to granulation.

Granulation healing is used in surgery to treat many diseases: scars, infections, burns, abscesses and other wounds. This technique is used only in severe cases when the classical surgical technique does not produce results.

Before performing surgery, the doctor must prepare the wound and make sure it is free of dead tissue and reasonably clean. Then, the wound is covered with a special film or plaster to prevent it from becoming infected. After a few days, granule tissue forms, covering the wound and filling the wounds between the granule cells. This speeds up the wound healing process and promotes faster healing.

How it works

After injury, skin cells in place