Healing by Secondary Intention

Secondary intention healing (SIH) is a wound healing process in which the edges of the wound are brought closer together and tightened around a foreign body or tissue defect. This process occurs thanks to granulations - new tissues that form at the wound site and fill the space between the edges of the wound.

PVN can be used to heal wounds that cannot be closed by primary intention due to the presence of a foreign body, tissue defect, or other factors. For example, if a patient has a wound on the finger that cannot be closed by primary intention, a PVN may be used to heal the wound.

The process of PVN begins with the formation of granulations at the wound site. Granulations fill the space between the edges of the wound and begin to pull them together. As a result, the edges of the wound come closer together, forming a scar. The PVN process takes longer than primary intention, but allows for better and more stable healing.

One of the advantages of PVN is that it avoids scarring of the wound. Scars can form by primary intention, when the edges of the wound close too quickly and do not give the granulations enough time to form. However, with WNV, granulation allows the wound edges to contract more slowly and evenly, which reduces the likelihood of scarring.

In addition, WNV has a lower risk of wound infection because the granulations create a barrier between the wound and the environment. This reduces the risk of infection and speeds up the healing process.

In medicine, what is healing by applying two sutures to a wound surface? Let's take a closer look at what this means and what the process of this method of tissue stitching involves for the patient.

Healing by secondary traction or sanvation per second intentionium is a method of suturing a wound using healing tissue (sana) that stands in place of connective tissue. In this method, the wound is sutured with two thin threads consisting of sleigh or synthetic fabric, which are attached together to the edges of the wound. These sutures are used for faster healing of wounds because with this technique the tissue is tightened faster,