
A health center (from Latin sanitas - health) is a subdivision of a medical unit (MSU) or clinic, organized in industrial enterprises, agricultural enterprises, construction sites and other organizations providing medical care for injuries, acute diseases and poisoning.

In the Russian Federation, health centers are organized at enterprises where the number of employees is more than 50 people, and are part of the medical units. In enterprises with fewer than 50 employees, a health center can be organized as an independent medical institution (for example, health centers created on the basis of paramedic and obstetric centers).

A health center is a structural unit of a medical organization that provides primary health care to employees of enterprises and organizations. It is intended for the prevention of diseases, diagnosis and treatment of mild forms of diseases. At the health center you can consult a doctor, get vaccinated, undergo preventive examinations, take tests, etc.

The work of the health center is aimed at preserving the health of workers, preventing occupational diseases and reducing occupational injuries. In addition, the health center is an important link in the system of providing medical care to the population.

A health center is a subdivision of the medical unit, organized to provide first aid and conduct sanitary education work at enterprises, construction sites or educational institutions. It is an integral part of any production activity, as it ensures the safety and health of workers.

The health center provides medical care for injuries and poisonings, and also conducts health education work. This helps prevent the spread of diseases and improve the health of workers. In addition, the health center can carry out preventive measures to prevent diseases, such as vaccinations, employee examinations and lectures on healthy lifestyles.

In today's world, where work is becoming increasingly stressful and requires high concentration, it is important to have access to first aid. The health center helps ensure the safety and health of employees, which in turn increases productivity and quality of work.