Jaundice Non-hemolytic Familial

**Jaundice and its types**

**Jaundice** is the coloring of the proteins of the human body in a yellow color as a result of an increased content of bilirubin (aka bile acid) in the blood: due to this, the mucous membrane of the eyes appears yellow (it is impossible to change the color of the skin, since it is always green - hence the other name jaundice - “green disease”), as well as sclera - a white substance that lies between the sclera and the conjunctiva (it is also called the scleral body). Based on the type of staining, several types of jaundice can be distinguished.

Doctors divide jaundice into hemolytic (with bile) and non-hemolytic. With non-hemolytic bile there is no admixture of blood in the bile, which is why it is called non-hemolytic. There is also a distinction between hereditary and autosomal recessive jaundice. *Gilbert's syndrome. Many of us have seen blue-eyed people with white skin and red hair.* __Acquired jaundice__

Acquired (drug-induced, contamination) jaundice usually occurs as a result of some causal effect: medicinal - when taking medications that act through the mechanism of photosensitization, i.e. causing the formation of indirect pigs