Jaundice Subhepatic

Jaundice is a symptom that can occur as a result of various diseases related to the liver and gallbladder. In the article we will look at one of the types of jaundice - subhepatic jaundice.

Subhepatic jaundice belongs to the group of liver or biliary diseases and is manifested by the addition of inflammatory


Jaundice (from the Latin icterus “yellowish, the color of honey”) is a syndrome characterized by pigmented damage to the skin, sclera and mucous membranes by bile, which has a different etiology and can be a symptom of various pathological processes of the digestive tract.

The yellow-green color of the skin and mucous membranes is due to the retention of bile pigments, which are produced in liver cells. Due to various

Subhepatic jaundice (synonyms - obstructive obstructive jaundice, subhepatic narrowing of the bile ducts, obstructive jaundice) is a manifestation of cholelithiasis when there is a blockage of the common bile duct, complicating the course of calculous cholecystitis against the background of its exacerbation. Jaundice of the skin and sclera with subhepatic jaundice develops if the congestion is formed by cholesterol crystals or other large stones that completely block the lumen of the bile ducts. The main manifestation of obstructive jaundice is