Laryngeal ventricle [Ventriculus Laryngis, Pna, Jna; Ventriculus Laryngis (Morgagnii), Bna; Syn.: Ventricle of the Larynx, Morganiev Stomach]

The laryngeal ventricles are paired depressions of the mucous membrane between the vestibular and vocal folds, which are located inside the larynx. They are an important part of the respiratory system as they help regulate air flow.

The laryngeal ventricles play an important role in the normal functioning of the larynx and help maintain a balance between the volume of inhalation and exhalation. As air passes through the ventricles, it contracts and expands, which helps regulate lung volume as you inhale and exhale. If the ventricles are not functioning properly, it can lead to breathing problems such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing due to too much air flow, or difficulty breathing out. In addition, the ventricles