
Sex and its importance in our lives.

From ancient times to the present day, sex has played a huge role in our lives, influencing our health, relationships and even our personal happiness. Scientists divide sexual life into two components: reproductive (procreation) and non-reproductive side. And sometimes it happens that a person distinguishes between these two areas of his life, which can lead to a feeling of inferiority.

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A person’s sexual life throughout life is very diverse, as are the reasons that cause his desire. Such research, without a doubt, must be objective. It is important not only to consider existing questions about human sexuality, but also to analyze its diversity. And all this is certainly interesting for us. One of the most popular questions related to sexual life is intimate questions or topics related to the characteristics of sexual desire. They worry the female and male half of humanity so much that many try to avoid discussing them in conversation. Well, those who continue to talk about this topic often become outcasts. This applies to both public relations and confidential conversations. Some people are wary of this topic and protect themselves from it, throwing conversations about their personal lives into cold water. Others discuss it in a purely “male” tone. But one cannot help but admit one thing - women’s interests in sex in general are in no way inferior to men’s. And often, on the contrary, they exceed them, thanks, first of all, to female nature. Therefore, you can be very skeptical about all sorts of jokes, remarks and questions like: “Sex life and why do you need it?” - it is this topic that makes women wary. And men in all centuries are exclusively occupied with their potentiation, considering their views on the female half mainly from the perspective of receiving pleasure. This historically happened not today, but centuries ago, when ordinary men did not bother with their sexual health, but considered a woman’s body mainly only in the context of its appetizing use. A man was looking for a woman to satisfy his vanity - after all, with not very beautiful or more skillful and experienced sexual partners, no one strives to start a family and become the father of a large number of children. And only a strong personality who knows his own worth is ready to do this. In this regard, the world was very one-dimensional and incomprehensible to women themselves. Many sought not only to preserve their beauty, but also to impress the young man, counting on an enviable share in the future family. They have a special ideology - to “create an image” that will be most attractive in the eyes of men. Therefore, for many centuries, women had to use various arsenals of cosmetics, perfumes, put on chic outfits and create seductive hairstyles and hairstyles. The goal remains the same for women of any era and civilization - to attract a loved one and start a family. Without this, there can be no meaning in life and happiness. Therefore, women have much more variety in sexual preferences than men - this includes a variety of positions and styles of caresses, types of sex with different types of techniques, so-called female lesbian sex, etc. And in general, a woman constantly uses various methods of seduction in relation to her partner - coquetry, invitations to intimacy, explicit poses and actions, signs of attention, compliments and much more. But men have no less such arsenals. After all, modern society is only verbally advanced in its ideas about the world, but in reality we are still very poor in new possibilities of sexual fantasies. The sexuality of society in our state today is not able to offer such a wide variety of forms and methods that meet the tastes of the time, time,