Stomach hardness and hardening

Sometimes a hardening forms in the stomach, similar to a tumor, but not a tumor; its cause is condensing coldness or thick black bile that penetrates the stomach, but does not cause tumors.

Signs. A sign of this is that the cause of the hardening is known, and you find no signs of a tumor.

Treatment. A bandage with medicinal sweet clover, saffron, mastic, balsam, incense, bdelium, sumbul, cardamom, mugas, wax and rose oil is placed on the stomach area; All measures for the treatment of solid tumors mentioned in their place are also applied, especially those mentioned in the paragraph on weakness of the stomach due to hardening. Here is an excellent recipe for this purpose: take six ukiyah wax, three ukiyya Nabataean resin, two ukiyyah ginger and opoponax each, three ukiyyah sabur, three ukiyyah each, and twenty-four ukiyyah iris oil. A medicinal bandage or patch is prepared from this.