Life support

Life support is one of the key aspects of space travel. It includes a set of measures that are aimed at creating and maintaining the conditions necessary for human survival and performance in isolated volumes, such as spacecraft cabins, spacesuits and other protective equipment.

Life support includes creating and maintaining the required level of pressure, temperature and humidity in an artificial atmosphere. It is also necessary to provide sufficient water and nutrition to support human life. In addition, life support includes the control of chemical compounds that may be hazardous to human health.

One of the key elements of life support is the control of pressure in the spacecraft cabin. The pressure must be high enough to prevent air leakage and provide sufficient protection from cosmic rays. In addition, the pressure in the cabin must match the pressure on the Earth's surface to avoid problems with breathing and other physiological functions.

The temperature in the cabin must also be controlled. Temperatures that are too high can cause overheating and inability to function, while temperatures that are too cold can cause hypothermia and other health problems.

Humidity is also of great importance for life support. Too low humidity can cause dry skin and mucous membranes, while too high humidity can lead to condensation and other problems.

Food and water are also important aspects of life support. The diet must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients, and water must be available in sufficient quantity and quality.

Overall, life support is a complex process that requires careful preparation and supervision. However, thanks to modern technology and scientific research, we can provide comfortable conditions for living and working in space.

Life support is a set of measures designed to create and maintain life in a closed space where a person stays for a long time. This could be a spacecraft cabin, a space suit, or other isolated environment. Life support is an important part of space travel and other long-term expeditions, since the health and life of people depends on it. However, its development and implementation requires a lot of time, labor and financial investments.

The basic principles of life support include creating conditions to maintain human health and safety, establishing and maintaining the normal metabolism of the human body, and maintaining oxygen, respiratory and hydration systems.

One of the most important aspects of life support is the creation of optimal breathing conditions. In most cases, oxygen enters outer space with the help of various fresh air supply devices and various filters that purify the air of harmful substances and human waste.

In addition, a person needs other nutrients to maintain normal metabolism in the body. For this, various food products are used, which must be created in a closed volume and ensure their safety. Also vital are other physiological processes, such as the excretion of urine and feces, their neutralization and purification from breakdown products and toxic substances. This life support system is called a toilet.

An important point is the degree of clutter of a small volume in the limited space of a spacecraft. All life support systems must be such that they do not interfere with the operation of other ship systems and must be able to expand as the volume of the room grows. But at the same time, the amount of necessary equipment and spare parts should be minimal to ensure the ability to perform any life support procedures