Hand Treatment

Hand disinfection is a set of measures aimed at preventing the spread of infections in medical institutions, as well as in other places where there may be a large number of people. Hand sanitizing is one of the key safety elements in medical practice.

Hand treatment involves several steps, including washing hands, using disinfectants, and treating hands with antiseptics. Hand washing is the most important step in hand hygiene as it removes dirt, bacteria and viruses from the skin.

To wash your hands, special products are used that contain detergent components and active substances that destroy bacteria and viruses on the surface of the skin. In addition, antiseptics can be used to treat hands, which kill bacteria and viruses on the skin without leaving marks on the hands.

It is important to remember that hand disinfection should be carried out regularly, especially before surgery or contact with a patient. This will help prevent the spread of infections and ensure the safety of patients and staff.

Hand disinfection is a necessary procedure that is carried out in medical institutions before surgical operations. This procedure is performed for several reasons, including preventing healthcare workers and patients from contracting infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis. In this article we will look at the main methods and stages of hand treatment, as well as some reasons