Ophthalmia Ovine

Ovine ophthalmia is also called gonococcal conjunctivitis, but this is incorrect. Ovine ophthalmia is caused by another type of gonococcus - Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (pseudotuberculous gonococcus).

Etymology and nomenclature of the disease Ophthalmia ovine received its name in 1954 from a zoonotic microorganism that caused this disease in many animals. There are 4 main variants of pathogens of sheep and goats infemecum: * oveine Corynebacteriosis - for the species C. pseudotuberculosis; * psephocollicosis Corynebacteriae (Ps N), originally designated as ps N (Pseudomonas) - was previously assigned to the family Psudomonas aeruginosa, and then separately allocated to the genera Acintobacter and Dermacoccus; * Staphylococcal anthrax (Septicemia sibirica) – originally known as Bacterionema sibiricum; * chorionic infections of streptococci - streptococcal infection of choriodynamics, infemecum of pregnant women (spp. septicaemium-hoorainies) - isolated species - Staphylococcus contessae.