
Magazine: an indispensable tool in the work of pharmacy workers

The journal is one of the most important tools in the work of pharmacy workers. This is a document that is used to register and control the circulation of medicines and other medical products sold in pharmacies. There are several types of magazines in Russia, but one of the most common is the magazine produced by the Voskhod company.

The magazine is produced in Russia and belongs to the category of consumables, which means that it is necessary for the operation of the pharmacy. It is used to register the movement of medicines, including narcotic drugs, and other medical products. In addition, the journal is used to register in-pharmacy supplies, which allows you to control the quantity and quality of medications in the pharmacy.

The international name of the magazine is simply "Magazine", but it has several synonyms, including Magazine No. 4, Magazine No. 6, Magazine No. 7, Magazine No. 10, Magazine No. 11, Magazine No. 12, Magazine No. 2, Magazine No. 5, Magazine registration of in-pharmacy preparations, register of narcotic drugs, register of goods by groups in the pharmacy. All of these synonyms indicate different types of journals that are used in different aspects of pharmacy operations.

The journal is a mandatory document for all pharmacies, and its completion must comply with legal requirements. It must contain information such as the name of the drug, its quantity, date of sale, name and address of the buyer, as well as information about the supplier. In addition, the journal must contain information about the movement of narcotic drugs in the pharmacy.

The journal is an important tool in the work of pharmacy workers, as it allows you to control the circulation of drugs and other medical products, as well as comply with legal requirements. In addition, it is a guarantee of safety for patients who can be confident in the high-quality and controlled circulation of drugs in the pharmacy.