
RT is an abbreviation used in medicine and physics to indicate resulting temperature. Resultant temperature is a general concept that describes the body temperature of a person or other organism after exposure to various factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.

In medicine, RT is used to measure human body temperature after various procedures or when diagnosing diseases. For example, when taking the temperature of a patient who is in the hospital, a doctor may use a mercury thermometer to measure the Hg. In this case, Hg is measured in degrees Celsius© or Fahrenheit (F).

However, in physics Pt also has its meaning. In physics, Pt refers to the temperature that a body has after it has gone through a certain process or influence. For example, if a body was heated to a certain temperature, then its RT will be equal to this temperature.

Thus, Pt is an important concept in medicine and physics, and is used to describe body temperature or the temperature obtained after a certain process or exposure.