Zidovudine (Vdovudine)

Zidovudine (Vdovudine) is an antiviral drug; used to treat AIDS and its complications. Does not lead to improvement in HIV-positive patients whose disease is asymptomatic. This drug slows the progression of AIDS, but does not cure it. Can be used orally or intravenously; possible side effects: nausea, headache and insomnia; in addition, patients may experience damage to the blood-forming tissues of the bone marrow. Trade name: Retrovir.

Zidovudine is an antiviral drug used to treat AIDS and its complications. It does not lead to improvement in HIV-positive patients whose disease is asymptomatic. This drug slows the progression of AIDS, but does not cure it.

Zidovudine can be used orally or intravenously. Possible side effects: nausea, headache and insomnia. In addition, patients may experience damage to the blood-forming tissues of the bone marrow.

The trade name of the drug is Retrovir.

Zidovudine is an antiviral drug that is used to treat one of the most serious diseases in the world - HIV infection. Many people become hostage to this disease and are forced to take antibiotics to support their immune system. However, Zidovudine is a drug that itself fights AIDS and prevents the disease from developing further.

Zidovudine is also known as Vdovudine, and was developed in 1986 when scientists discovered that adding chemicals to medications reduced the risk of developing AIDS. Since then, it has become widespread and used in countries around the world. Although Zidovutine will not completely cure you of HIV, it can be used to reduce the risk of developing AIDS and prevent complications from progressing.

Unlike other antiretroviral drugs, which require several injections per day, Zidovutine can also be taken orally using tablets. However, it may be necessary to increase the dosage for optimal results. Treatment with Zidosutin may vary depending on each patient, but usually lasts