Judgments on the organ that causes suffering to the brain

Of all the organs, the stomach causes the greatest suffering to the brain, cooperating with it. This should be inferred from the state of appetite and digestion, from the presence of belching, rumbling, hiccups, nausea and gastric heart failure. For information on how to judge the state of the stomach based on these signs, see the place where we talk about the stomach. They are also judged by the degree of emptiness or filling of the stomach, for the complicity of the brain with the stomach due to its overflow or swelling is better revealed in the presence of overflow, while the complicity caused by warmth, yellow bile and pain arising from this, as well as great sensitivity, is revealed when the stomach empty Often overflow causes the nature to balance and is a barrier between the hot steam and the brain. It is especially significant in this case where the pain begins and where it takes hold: diseases of the brain in association with the stomach are indicated by pain that begins at the crown of the head, then descends into the space between the shoulder blades and intensifies during the digestion of food. And sometimes the headache is due to the involvement of the liver and the pain is directed to the right, while in association with the spleen the pain is deviated to the left. Very often the brain is associated with the walls of the abdomen and with the part of the abdomen adjacent to the false ribs; in this case, the pain deviates greatly forward. Sometimes the brain is involved with the uterus, which occurs in diseases of the uterus and in the presence of their symptoms, mentioned in their place. In this case, the pain stops in the middle of the crown. Most often, the involvement of the brain with other organs occurs due to the vapors rising into it. The path along which the vapors rise passes either near the front of the false ribs, and then first a tension upward is felt in the ribs, as well as tension and painful beating in the vessel adjacent to them, and the pain begins in the front of the brain, or they rise near the back of the head , and then the pain first occurs from behind, and the tension of the veins and arteries located behind is felt, and a beating is felt in them.

When you observe signs in a participating organ, these signs must not be signs generated by the organ itself; on the contrary, they must be determined by the complicity of a given organ with the brain, but not by the complicity of the brain with this organ: after all, when you, observing nausea, conclude that a brain disease is caused by the complicity of the stomach, you can easily be mistaken. It is possible that the disease first arose in the brain and remains hidden, and nausea appears in the stomach only because of its complicity with the brain in the hidden disease. You should refer to the basic rules taught to you in Book One, with the help of which you will distinguish basic diseases from diseases of complicity