Asthma is a disease of the lungs in which the sufferer cannot help but breathe frequently, just as someone who is suffocating and doing heavy work breathes. This disease, if it occurs in old people, is hardly curable and does not reach maturity, and how could this be if even in young men it is also difficult to cure?. In most cases, asthma worsens when lying on your back.
This disease is one of the protracted diseases, and with it there are acute attacks, such as attacks of epilepsy and convulsions. Damage in asthma is sometimes rooted in the lungs themselves and in the areas adjacent to them, since thick juices get stuck in the arteries, their small branches and papillae, sometimes it is in the pulmonary tube, and sometimes in the loose substance of the lungs and in empty places. These fluids sometimes pour into the lungs from the head, especially in southern countries and when southerly winds often blow, but they also rush from other places. Sometimes the reason for the formation of fluids in the lungs is their coldness, and the fluids begin to accumulate little by little, and sometimes they are formed due to juice, which is not in the lungs or in their arteries, but in the stomach, and either pours into the stomach from the head or the liver, or originates in the stomach itself. Shortness of breath that occurs when climbing a hill occurs because the stomach presses on the abdominal obstruction, and the abdominal obstruction presses on the lungs. The liver, if it has cooled or hardened, sometimes contributes to the occurrence of asthma. The mentioned juices are sometimes harmful in their quality, and sometimes they are harmful in their quantity.
Sometimes, in rare cases, asthma occurs from dry lungs due to the fact that they dry out and shrink, and sometimes because they are cold. It happens that it arises from damage to the initial places of the respiratory organs, that is, the nerves, long cord and brain, or due to outflows rushing from there into the respiratory organs. Asthma also occurs due to the complicity of neighboring organs, if they crowd the respiratory organs and these organs do not expand; such, for example, is a full stomach, which puts pressure on the abdominal barrier.
Sometimes asthma occurs due to an abundance of smoky vapor, if it lingers in the lungs and ends up there, and sometimes it occurs due to winds that linger in the respiratory organs and restrict breathing; It also happens due to the small size of the chest, which does not contain the air necessary for breathing. This inherent damage to breathing is similar to that which occurs from nutrients due to the small size of the stomach. Sometimes asthma intensifies and turns into standing breathing; often it turns into pneumonia.
Signs. If the cause of asthma is juices or liquids in the breathing tube itself, then at the beginning of inspiration there is tightness, accompanied by coughing, wheezing, retention of stopped matter, a feeling of heaviness and expectoration of sputum from a place close to the tube. If the juices have accumulated due to catarrh, then asthma comes on suddenly, and if not, then little by little. If the juices are in hard vessels, then the unevenness of the pulse is always intermittent; sometimes this leads to interruptions that become permanent and destroy the patient. Most often, the pulse in asthma is intermittent. When juices accumulate outside the chest cavity, anywhere, there is no cough.
If asthma arose as a result of the complicity of the initial places of breathing, then this is indicated by the signs that have already been told to you, and if it arose due to the complicity of neighboring organs, this is evidenced by the intensification of the disease due to the disturbance of matter in these organs or as a result of their overflow. When asthma occurs from catarrh, this is evidenced by their presence, and if it arose as a result of a sudden breakthrough of pus into the respiratory organs, this is indicated by a previous tumor and accumulation of pus and further phenomena occurring from the opening of the tumor. If asthma occurs from dryness, this is indicated by thirst and a complete absence of phlegm, as well as a weakening of the disease by taking something moisturizing in food and by using moisturizing medications. When winds are the cause of asthma, a sign of this is a feeling of lightness in the chest and tightness of breathing, which varies depending on the intake of bloating or non-bloating food; if asthma arose due to the cold nature of the lungs, as happens in old people, then it begins little by little and gradually becomes stronger.
Treatment of asthma, shortness of breath and standing breathing. Asthma arising from liquids is treated in the following way: they try to carefully and evenly destroy the liquids in the lungs of such patients; If you recognize that the damage that has occurred in the lungs was due to the abundance of fluids, then be sure to empty the body through relaxation. Medicines should be thinning and promoting ripening, but not very hot, because this would lead to drying out and thickening of the matter. Therefore, the ancients did not introduce opium, henbane and mandrake into the compositions used for asthma, unless they wanted to prevent catarrh, if it intensified, and even flea plantain; they did this only if Allah wanted it. Therefore, you should take care of moistening the matter and bringing it to maturity if it is thick or viscous, but not limit yourself to simple thinning or tearing, because rough tearing and disobedience of the matter often even leads to injury to the lungs. In the same way, everything that drives urine causes harm in this disease, since the most liquid part of the moisture is intensively removed. If, along with asthma, the presence of juice in the liver is detected, then you should add medicines like sap and wormwood to your breast medicines. Remedies that combine both of these properties to a strong degree are, for example, madder and aristolochia. If a child is being treated, the medicine should be mixed with his mother’s milk; For children, medium-strength medicines are sufficient, for example, fresh fennel with milk. One of the means that promotes the ripening of juices and expectoration is broth from an old rooster.
Methods of treatment useful for such patients include rubbing the chest and surrounding areas with hands and rough towels, especially if standing breathing is observed. The rubbing should be moderate and dry, without oil, unless exhaustion occurs; in this case, use oil. Sometimes you should use yarrow santolinum and soda for rubbing and rub your chest vigorously with them. If there is a lot of matter, then purification cannot be avoided with the help of a laxative prepared, for example, from nettle seeds, polypodium, mad cucumber and coloquinte pulp. One of the methods of treatment used after purging and vomiting is voice exercises, which are gradually raised, bringing its sounds to great strength and duration.
Treatments for asthma also include continuous vomiting, especially after the patient eats radishes and drinks four dirhams of bawraq with five uqiyas of honey drink. This applies if the disease has intensified and the situation has become difficult. White hellebore is also very useful; for chest diseases, this is a reliable medicine that is not to be feared. It is best to take a bunch of white hellebore, stick it into the radish and leave it for one day and one night. Then the hellebore is pulled out and the radish is eaten. Or they take mustard and salt of both one dirham, Armenian bavrak half a dirham, danak soda and give it all to drink in five istars of water with honey; the amount of honey in water is one uqiya.
Another method of treatment for this disease is constant softening of nature. This is facilitated by eating salted capers, small salted fish and broth from an old rooster with safflower core, field bindweed and beets before meals. If this does not soften, then drink barley water, which has been boiled for a long time with a small amount of furbiyun. Dodder is very useful for this disease; If you prepare water sweetened with honey from the water in which the dodder was boiled, it will help a lot. You should also take misqal of dodder with maybukhtaj or a decoction of figs, mint and rue in water, from which water sweetened with honey is prepared, or a decoction of fenugreek with fatty figs and a lot of honey. It is taken a long time before meals and repeated several times. A decoction of fenugreek and raisins in rainwater is also beneficial.
One of the methods of treating asthma also consists of breathing exercises, in which one gradually moves from slow to fast, so as not to cause haste to cause suffocation by abruptly setting matter in motion.
As for the nutrition of such patients, they should be fed after exercises similar to those we have mentioned. The bread for them should be mature, made from sour dough, and they should snack on thinning dishes, which include seeds of cress, hyssop, camap, and mint. They must flavor their food with the fat of hares, deer, gazelles and especially foxes, in particular with their lungs: the lung of a fox serves as a cure for this disease if it is dried and given two dirhams to drink; The lungs of a forest hedgehog are also useful. As for meat, the meat of rocky fish, river fish, but not from ponds, or, for example, sparrow, trout, partridge, is useful; Rooster broth is also beneficial. Sometimes plantain is added to the food of asthma patients.
And their drink should be fragrant wine, old, liquid, in small quantities; if they want to enhance ripening and promote expectoration, then they take very liquid wine; Drinking honey also helps a lot. Sweet wines, to which some diluting agents have been added, are beneficial for such patients, for they cleanse, soften and moderately warm. It is necessary to separate meals and drinks from one another and to quench thirst with water not at once, but several times.
As for the things that asthma patients should avoid, this is, for example, a bath, whenever possible, especially after eating; You should also not sleep a lot, especially during the day; sleeping after eating is the most harmful thing for them, unless they are struck by severe exhaustion and exhaustion or fever. In that case, let them get some sleep.
Asthma patients should avoid eating grains that cause bloating and refrain from drinking after meals, be it water or wine. Strong laxatives that are suitable for them are, for example, drinking from opopanax and the pulp of coloquinta - each half a dirham with water sweetened with Honey or from beaver stream with ushshak. Pills with agaric should be taken twice a month if the disease intensifies. Here is their list: agarika three, rhizomes of iris one, horehound one, turbita five dirhams, iiraja fikra four dirhams, pulp of coloquinta and anzarut of each dirham, myrrh dirham; All this is mixed with maybukhtaj. They drink two dirhams every day. And one more thing: the pulp of coloquint, half a bowl, anise, a sixth of a bowl, is mixed with water, turned into pills and consumed after using a clean enema the day before. And this is an enema that consists, for example, of beet juice, sesame oil, bavrak and something similar. And one more thing: coloquint pulp two danaks, nettle seeds dirham, dodder half a dirham mixed with water sweetened with honey. This is drunk at one time, then they wait three hours and are given one uqiya or three uqiyas of honey-sweetened water to drink. And one more thing: the pulp of coloquinth and citvar wormwood in equal parts, bavraca half, iris root one part, opopanax one part. They turn all this into pills and drink from half a dirham to two dirhams each time, then they wait an hour and give half a cup of honey-sweetened water to drink. And one more thing: half a bowl of mustard, salt for the dough and squeezed mad cucumber juice. Eight pills are made from this and one day they drink the pill, one day they don’t, and they drink them with water sweetened with honey. This softens the nature and allows you to expectorate mucus with ease.
As for other medicines, you should move from one medicine to another and not constantly use the same medicine, so that your nature does not get used to it. Moreover, there are correspondences between medicines and the bodies of individual people, which cannot be comprehended except by experience, and when different medicines have been tried, stick to the most useful. It is necessary to take into account from which side the matter is poured out; if it comes from the head, then the treatment mentioned in the paragraph on catarrh is applied to the head, as well as measures to cleanse the head of juice; Sometimes numbing agents are added to these medications. Armenian clay surprisingly helps to delay catarrhs.
As for the amount of medicines, for example, medicines of Dioscorides or round aristolochia are given to drink every day for half a dirham with water, and such as sagapen with wine, juniper, cypress cones or steppe dioecious and white, they are given four and a half danaks with infusions of various roots. The same amount is given of vinegar, in which nettle seeds have been soaked many times, or two dirhams of cress seeds, on which sweet almond oils have been dripped, and half a dirham of valerian root with sikanjubin from sea onions. The fact is that shikanjubin from sea onions is very helpful for asthma, as is one fried sea onion, especially with honey. Round aristolochia, mint of both types, cypress wormwood, iris, dubrovnik, beaver stream, and centaury decoction are useful for asthma. Centaury of both types helps such patients under two circumstances: thick when the disease is moving and at the beginning and thin when the disease is stationary and at the end of the disease. It is prepared as a licking medicine with honey. They also give Nabataean resin alone or with a small amount of saliva and galbanum. Opopanax is a strong remedy and is very helpful for this disease, but it is one of those drugs whose use should be wary of great harm to the nerves. The medicine from sulfur is very useful for this ailment, as well as this remedy: take watercress and sesame for thirty dirhams each, hyssop for seven dirhams. The amount per dose is determined by observation.
Another medicine: dried fox lung five parts, mountain mint four, celery seeds and Indian sadaj eight dirhams each, amom and pepper four dirhams each, henbane seeds two. A complex medicine is prepared from this. Or they take sea onion seeds with an equal amount of the best honey, thicken the composition over coals and give it to drink one mastaroon before meals and the same amount after meals. Also: take mint, thyme, orris, pepper and anise, mix with honey and consume one bunduki in the morning and evening. And one more thing: take polyum dubrovnik, Armenian cypress wormwood, pine dubrovnik, beaver stream, frankincense and hyssop, a miskal of each, and mix with honey; This is the quantity for two doses.
Or they take four parts of bavrak, two parts of white pepper, three parts of stinking ferula, two parts of ushshak and mix them with maybukh-taj. At the reception, they give one bakilla with water sweetened with honey. Or they take beaver stream, round aristolochia, usshak, a miskal of each, ten hubb peppers and mix with thickly brewed grape juice; At one time they give bakilla, which they drink in shikanjubin. And one more thing: take horehound, bush, maya and pine nuts, a miskal each, dubrovnik polyum and beaver stream, a miskal each, white pepper and squeezed juice of a mad cucumber, half a miskal each, mix all this with honey; Give bakilla at one time and drink it with water heated and sweetened with honey. And one more thing: mustard and bavrak, two parts each, river mint and squeezed juice of the mad cucumber, one part each, mixed with sea onion vinegar; For one dose, give kirsanna in honey water on an empty stomach. And one more thing: wormwood, wormwood and rue are mixed with honey and the decoction is thickened with honey. Or take a decoction of mint with milk, especially if the patient has a fever.
Know that elecampane and its infusion are very useful for this disease. Among the strong medicines for it are arsenic and pine resin, from which pills against asthma are made, and also given arsenic and pine resin with water sweetened with honey, or given sulfur with soft-boiled eggs. Among the excellent medicines that are close to balance are cumin with diluted vinegar; it is very useful for standing breathing. White mustard mucilage with an equal amount of honey is also useful; A medicine for licking is boiled from it and consumed. In case of severe suffocation and shortness of breath, take four dirhams of bavrak and two dirhams of seed cress in five ukiyahs of water sweetened with honey; it helps immediately and also benefits sciatic nerve inflammation.
Among the oils that are dripped into the drinks of asthma patients are sweet and bitter almond oil and pine oil. For rubbing, they use, for example, iris oil and laurel oil, which are used to rub the chest, as well as dill oil. As for fumigations, for this they use, for example, arsenic and sulfur, which are used to fumigate, adding kidney fat as well as myrrh, bush, Ceylon cinnamon, saffron, aristolochia, liquid maya, galban and Socotri sabur. They also use arsenic and long aristolochia, grinding them and kneading them in cow fat; Nuts are prepared from them and the patient is fumigated for ten days in a row, three times a day.
As for asthma and difficulty breathing due to smoky vapors that cover the heart, or from juices accumulated in the arteries, sometimes bloodletting helps, which is best done on the left side. If these diseases arise from the winds, then in their treatment two goals are pursued: firstly, the careful dispersal of the wind, this is achieved by well-known diluting medicines, and, secondly, the opening of blockages so that the wind, which cannot be dissipated, finds a way out. One of the useful remedies for this is rubbing spikenard oil, laurel oil and rue oil; Good medicinal dressings include dressings with dill, chamomile and marjoram in the form of a decoction, from which compresses are made on the chest and sides. Shajazaniya, amrusiyya, kufi, as well as sagapen and opopanax are useful for drinking; for one reception of any of them they are given a misqal. If the cause of asthma and shortness of breath is catarrh, then you should take treatment to prevent catarrh and induce expectoration of accumulated mucus.
As for shortness of breath, the cause of which is believed to be in the nerves, whereas in reality it is a type of difficulty breathing and breathing disorder that is not related to shortness of breath, we have already mentioned the treatment of this ailment in the paragraph on difficulty breathing.
And if asthma comes from dryness and desiccation of the lungs, then it is useful to drink donkey and goat milk or drink cold, moisturizing squeezed juices and oils, as well as almond oil in stews and liquid wine, and avoid substances already known to you that are very hot and dissolve and dried. For such patients, moisturizing ointments, cooling patches and gentle rubbing are suitable. As for difficulty breathing due to heat, along with which there is a burning sensation, cooling patches and cooling wax ointments should be used. In fact, this is a type of breathing disorder, but not shortness of breath; Thickly brewed violet drink and barley water are useful for this disease. When breathing is difficult from the cold, use warming drinks and ointments. A decoction of fenugreek with raisins helps such patients.