Зловоние (Stink, Smell)

Stench (lat. fetor, foetor) - an unpleasant odor.

Stench can come from different sources: human or animal body, food, chemicals, waste, etc. It is caused by rotting, decomposition of organic compounds, the action of microorganisms and other processes.

One of the most common types of stench is bad breath (Lat. fetor oris) or halitosis. Its causes may be diseases of the oral cavity, plaque on teeth, smoking, consumption of certain foods, etc.

The stench has a negative effect on a person, causing disgust, irritation and discomfort. Eliminating sources of stench has important hygienic and aesthetic significance.

Stench is an unpleasant odor that can come from the body of a person or animal. It can be caused by various reasons, such as diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, infections, bacterial and fungal diseases, etc.

The stench can be very unpleasant and cause discomfort to nearby people or animals. This can lead to social isolation and poor quality of life.

In order to avoid bad breath, you need to maintain good oral hygiene, brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and mouth rinses. It is also important to monitor your diet, eat enough vegetables and fruits, and avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

If the stench is caused by an illness, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Overall, stench can be a serious problem for a person's health and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and prevent the appearance of stench.

The fetid aroma from the mouth that accompanies the patient's breath when breathing is called fu-corrosion, that is, putrefactive. Often, putrid or foul odor from the mouth is associated with the activity of anaerobic bacteria. The nature of the putrid aroma is quite specific, it can hardly be called unpleasant, it is simply different. Due to the putrid odor of the body, and especially the mouth