Goiter Euthyroid

Euthyroid goiter: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Euthyroid goiter is one of the most common diseases of the thyroid gland. The term “euthyroid” means that the function of the thyroid gland is normal, and the level of thyroid hormones in the blood does not deviate from optimal values. In this article we will look at the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of euthyroid goiter.

Diagnosis of euthyroid goiter includes a physical examination, analysis of thyroid hormone levels and ultrasound. The doctor can detect an enlarged thyroid gland by palpating the patient's neck. Analysis of thyroid hormone levels can help rule out thyroid dysfunction. Ultrasound examination helps determine the size, structure and density of thyroid tissue.

Patients with euthyroid goiter may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Thyroid enlargement: Patients may notice an enlarged neck or detect swelling upon palpation.

  2. Difficulty swallowing or breathing: An enlarged thyroid gland can put pressure on surrounding tissues and organs, causing discomfort and difficulty swallowing or breathing.

  3. Feeling of a lump in the throat: Patients may feel a lump or pressure in the throat area.

  4. Cosmetic problems: Euthyroid goiter can affect the appearance of the neck, which can cause cosmetic problems and psychological discomfort.

Treatment of euthyroid goiter depends on its size, symptoms and causes. In most cases, when euthyroid goiter does not cause significant symptoms and does not lead to functional disorders of the thyroid gland, specific treatment is not required. However, if the goiter causes discomfort or cosmetic problems, medication or surgery may be required.

  1. Drug therapy: Your doctor may recommend taking medications such as iodine or medications that reduce the size of the goiter.

  2. Surgical intervention: In cases where the euthyroid goiter reaches a large size, causes compression of surrounding tissues, or causes cosmetic problems, surgical removal of the thyroid gland may be required.

Euthyroid goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, in which the function of the thyroid gland remains normal. Although euthyroid goiter usually does not cause serious health problems, it can cause discomfort and cosmetic problems. If you have symptoms or a significant increase in the size of the goiter, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and determine the best approach to treatment. Seeking medical help early will help prevent possible complications and ensure good thyroid health.