Goiter Macrofollicular

Macrofoldicular goiter is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by enlargement and thickening of its tissue. In this case, the disease can be either one- or two-walled. With a double-walled goiter, several lobes of the thyroid gland and tissue degeneration from one lobe to another are observed.

Various techniques are used to treat this disease,

Macrofollicular goiter is a benign diffuse disease of the thyroid gland caused by macrofollicular proliferative thyroiditis. It is a rare disease that affects only adults and is more common in middle-aged and elderly women.

Symptoms Macrofollicular goiter usually appears as a dense mass in the thyroid gland, often with tenderness and tenderness to palpation. Symptoms may include edema, dysphagia, obesity, or anemia. Sometimes symptoms may appear unnoticed, especially in the early stages of the disease. Diagnostics To diagnose macrofollicular goiter, ultrasound of the thyroid gland is used. If ultrasound shows symmetry, infiltration and hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, then this may indicate macrofollicular dependence. In this case, fine needle aspiration biopsy may be indicated to differentiate from thyroid cancer. Treatment Treatment for macrofollicular goiter depends on the symptoms. Some cases can be treated with medication, while others may require surgery. Drug treatment includes cortisol, thyroid hormone (levothyroxine sodium), hormonal drugs such as calcitonin or acetaburine lys. Surgical treatment most often involves laparoscopic thyroidectomy or hemithyroidectomy.