Goiter Intratracheal

Intratracheal Goiter: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

An intratracheal goiter, also known as an intratracheal goiter, is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that occurs inside the trachea. This is a rare condition that can lead to various breathing and swallowing problems.

Causes of intratracheal goiter:
The main cause of intratracheal goiter is prolonged exposure to radiation contamination. However, along with this, intratracheal goiter can be caused by other reasons, such as genetic disorders or iodine deficiency in the diet.

Symptoms of intratracheal goiter:
The main symptom of intratracheal goiter is difficulty breathing and swallowing. The patient may also experience a feeling of throat pressure or voice disturbance. If an intratracheal goiter develops, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of intratracheal goiter:
Treatment of intratracheal goiter may include surgery, which involves removing part of the thyroid gland. If goiter is caused by iodine deficiency, the patient may be prescribed iodine-containing medications. In some cases, radiation therapy may be required.

Intratracheal goiter is a serious disease that can lead to various breathing and swallowing problems. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor if goiter symptoms appear and begin treatment as early as possible.