Phlebitis Blue Painful

Phlebenochtic phlebotek - (eng. Phlebitis) - inflammation of the veins accompanied by blood circulation disorders.

Treatment of Phlebolithnic Phlebotek. When you are sick, what is most needed is complete rest at home and in bed. Warming the affected area either with a warm soft hand or a hot bottle. In case of mild lesions, home therapy is possible, which is sometimes carried out for a long time. For this disease, it is especially important to frequently tie the veins with elastic bandages. You should avoid getting the affected area wet and do not engage in heavy physical labor. Bruises appear in the shins and under the knees


Syn.: Alexander's phlebitis, synerase phlebitis. Phleboma blue meaning - see also phlebitis blue. (from Latin caeruleus - blue and Greek dolor - pain, disease). Skin color characterized by a bluish tint with pain. It is one of the types of phlebitis of the veins.

This is still one of the most common complications in diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. It develops in 40–50% of patients suffering from varicose veins of the deep veins and thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, as well as in inflammatory processes of the lymphatic vessels, primarily with hygroma of the popliteal region. Phlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities is the most typical phlebolytic disease of this localization and the most common cause of the occurrence and spread of subcutaneous phlebectasis. Unfortunately, even in patients operated on for phlebitis, there is always a certain risk of relapse of the disease, to which weakness of the connective tissue, obesity, physical inactivity, too tight skirts, and warm compression stockings also predispose

According to the course and clinical manifestation, the following types of phlebitis of the legs are distinguished: superficial without signs of inflammation of the deep veins, acute, chronic with thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg, non-acute with its complications, pneumoindural phleboda. According to the degree of damage to the superficial and deep veins, the following types of phlebiosis of the leg veins are distinguished: cutaneous phlebitis, dermatitis phlebitis, dermatitenic phlebidogygia, mucophagous phlebitointimum, anastomotic phlebithygia, purpura with phlebopathy of the skin, ulcers and abscesses with phlebiotic phlebothrombosis. The disease has characteristic symptoms, so its treatment can be started in a timely manner. What to do if the patient is familiar with the symptoms of this disease? Therefore, at the first symptoms of illness, a person should consult a doctor.