Restricted Zone

Restricted zone: protection of water sources

The restricted zone is part of the sanitary protection zone of the water supply source, which is located outside the strict regime zone. It covers an area from which underground or surface runoff can affect the quality of the water source. The restricted zone is an important element of the water source protection system and ensures the preservation of the quality of water that enters the water supply system.

The restricted zone is established based on the results of hydrogeological and hydrochemical studies of the area around the water supply source. It is intended to limit any activity that may adversely affect the quality of the water source. Such activities include, for example, storage and transportation of hazardous substances, deforestation, use of pesticides and herbicides, exploration and mining, construction, etc.

In the restricted zone, special requirements are established for the use of the territory and the implementation of economic activities. For example, the number of animals on pastures is limited, the use of fertilizers and pesticides is prohibited, farming, fish farming, etc. are prohibited. Also, in the restricted zone, restrictions may be established on construction and forestry work.

Violation of the requirements established for the restricted zone may lead to contamination of the water source and deterioration of its quality. Such consequences can negatively affect the health of people who use this water for drinking and other household needs. Therefore, administrative and criminal penalties may be imposed for violation of the rules established for the restricted zone.

In conclusion, we can say that the restricted zone is an important element in the protection of water sources. Its establishment and compliance with the requirements established for this zone makes it possible to maintain the quality of water that enters the water supply system and is used by people for drinking and other domestic needs.

The restricted zone is part of the sanitary protection zone, which is located outside the strict regime zone. It covers an area of ​​underground flow that can affect the quality of drinking water. The restricted zone plays an important role in ensuring the safety of water supplies because it prevents groundwater contamination and the spread of infections.

The restricted zone is usually established over wells, which are the main sources of water for cities and towns. It is prohibited to build buildings, lay pipes, store garbage, etc. in this territory. This is done in order to prevent contamination of groundwater. The restricted area has special waste disposal requirements, which also helps protect water supplies.

In the restricted zone, a special use regime is established, which determines the minimum or maximum parameters for the use of resources. For example, mining, road construction and other activities that could negatively affect the environment are prohibited in this zone. In addition, regular monitoring of the state of water resources and atmospheric air is carried out in the restricted zone.